Notre logo a changé

Avez-vous remarqué que notre logo a changé ces dernières semaines ?

Nous profitons de notre ? 5ème anniversaire ? pour retravailler notre image et notre communication que nous souhaitons simple et dynamique… tout comme notre équipe ✌️

Vous en saurez plus grâce à nos publications à la page 45 du numéro 25 d’E-CIG MAG ou à la page 88 du numéro 33 de PGVG Magazine !

Did you notice that our logo changed in the past few weeks? We are taking the opportunity of our ? 5th anniversary ? to rework our image and our communication that we wish simple and dynamic… as is our team ✌️ You will find more about it thanks to our publications on page 45 of the issue #25 of E-CIG MAG or on page 88 of the issue 33 of PGVG Magazine!

Did you notice that our logo changed in the past few weeks? We are taking the opportunity of our ? 5th anniversary ? to rework our image and our communication that we wish simple and dynamic… as is our team ✌️ You will find more about it thanks to our publications on page 45 of the issue #25 of E-CIG MAG or on page 88 of the issue 33 of PGVG Magazine!